After this, she got mad at me and said “fine I will not text you anymore. We say goodbye in the morning in person and then go to work. I’ve let her know that if my texts become too much to let me know and I’ll stop, but I haven’t been told to. I notice this with a friend where they text me and I text back with a response but then they don't respond for a while and its a completely different topic of conversation and then repeat. He has always been EXTREMELY protective of me; for example, he's always hated me dating anyone, he used to prohibit me from getting in the car with friends, he wants me to be a virgin forever (well it's too late for that lol but I'd never tell him that), and other things. The only idea I have had come to mind is to tell those friends what bothers you and why. This was about 2 months ago. You were likely texting too much and now he has negative associations with any text from you. I asked her what was going on and if I had done anything wrong and she left me on read. I was nice to them & they both seemed to like me too. Did the same as you did and practically filtered out the friends that texted me back, and those that didn't. Older friend texts me way too much. For example, last night I told her I was tired and going to sleep. She told me she was really into me, so I was confused as to why she never got back in touch. When I say too much I mean more than once a week. Ouch, that has definitely happened to me. I’m pretty antisocial and don’t like talking to or hanging out with people often but I almost never mind when someone texts me a lot. Well, there were some but they bullied me too. All the other girls I've been with used to text me all the time, to the point where it was a bit much. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… It's not productive either but it makes me happy. I am NOT interested in your romantically at all. And if they send just "good morning" with nothing else, I'm thinking they are too busy to have a whole conversation but still wanted to show me they care. I overthink and get massive headaches due to this and waste so much time dwelling on very insignificant texts. But I find him interesting and want to get to know him too but it’s like we’re having 5 conversations at once about separate topics back and forth. I already told him to just tell me if he's busy or if I'm asking too much, but he just denies it everytime. NAH, she’s not TA for wanting to text 24/7 and you aren’t the TA for not wanting ot text 24/7. Sure it's cute that she misses me, but I get her first message as soon as she gets home from me and she will write this several more times a day. Context: I live in another city, many states away from my parents. I (28F) met a woman (43F) roller skating and have met up with her a few times to skate. Anytime I tell him I’m busy or need some time, he continues this and I have to tell him firmly to stop texting me because im doing something. The thing is, I noticed a pattern change since like 3 months ago; he started to text me A LOT MORE. I'm even afraid of giving him too much attention and him feeling like i'm too clingy or something or that i'm taking our relationship too seriously. If I have plans with a friend on Saturday morning he will text me when he knows I’m with them telling me to have fun with them. I feel like im overthinking too much. ago. 11M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. I'm super introverted, even for a typical introvert. I dont have this much time every day. And it freaks us the f*ck out at times. What I did was have a tough conversation where i set some boundaries, no texting before 10 and only once per day for example. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! There are definitely times when communication is relatively horrifying. I have a friend who considers me one of her closest friends and she texts me every single day. Better to have few, good friends that text back and actually cares about you than ones where I'm the only one initiating a text. She ended up drifting from me for it. " Anyway I spent the past few months at my parents house (covid) and last week the restrictions lifted, so I could go spend a week with my friends at the apartment that I still pay for a room in. Selfish, inconsiderate is how I'd That wasn’t a big deal, but then I saw the texts. I either talk to my friends for hours straight or we don’t talk for a few days-week and they’re perfectly chill with it. It's not her fault. I used to text AND call my former best friend through the day, everyday, for years, and sometimes I would also see him late in the evening. For me, it was just that I basically had too much free time. i get so annoyed because i don’t even want to be online anymore. NightOwlEye • 4 yr. I told them that you can always respond to me whenever you get the time, but they feel pressured to respond. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. I was quite annoyed about this but I didn't say much, I thanked him for adding me in the call and told him that please let me know the next time she texts him. It’s almost like she’s my girlfriend rather than my mom. One day i received 2 messages from them saying that I text them too much. If not, plan B is to be honest. It is understandable that people have busy lives. Now he is messaging me excessively. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with that. it's like saying i thought of you during my morning/night. So recently one of my friends has been acting in a way that I don't support and I don't really want to be friends with them anymore but I can't let them go because they're the type to get revenge and they know way too much stuff about me (nothing illegal just really embarrassing) how do I let them go without them telling a lot of other people about that stuff My dad has bipolar disorder and is very emotional. nope, not too much. I'm 31 now. so it’s like we’ll send 7-8 message blocks each time. My mom has very little social life, a poor relationship with my dad, and a poor relationship with her side of the family. let her ruin the relationships, she'll figure it out eventually, if she's in therapy. I’ve kept it to a weekly check in as I don’t want to over do it. I'll text back my friends obviously because I care about them and don't want them to think I'm ignoring them but I don't really enjoy long conversations on text. I’ll give you my honest opinion. It sucks. She responds “not a bad idea”. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 21 comments Me and one of my friends will text occasionally, mostly to plan things, but he sometimes will start whole conversations and will keep texting, even if I give one-word answers. The problem is that it gets directed toward me. My friend will literally message me every day, every few hours, about a different topic. My “right” to female friends does NOT outweigh my relationship with my wife. My Nov 6, 2019 路 PROBLEM: I am a 23-year-old woman. Non close people: simple Friends: eh depends on them, but probably not too much Close friends: blows up their phone Of course remember boundaries of others to. Acting like nothing had ever happened. I prioritise face-to-face time over time spent texting: I’ll text people for sure, but it’s usually friends in Australia and not someone I could meet for coffee next week. If they turn it around and tell you you're expecting too much from them, it might be time to stop calling them your friends. I had a friend once tell me at a middle school dance that I was too clingy and to stop hanging around her. I don’t feel it’s necessary to talk to everyday and it’s making me feel extremely overwhelmed. Her friend said maybe she’ll get lucky and I’ll hang myself. The girl I’m seeing now flat out told me she wants me to text her more and check in on her day more. If he knows I have a meeting at 5 pm he texts me at 5 pm to wish me a good meeting. The kind of friends that send you a text and if you don't respond within ten minutes they send another message with just the one-worded, punctuated, "Cool. So, I try to help when I can, but I can’t do much other than text him advice since we live in different places. Some people may even designate certain times of the day to respond to text and emails! We can find hobbies and other forms of entertainment to keep us busy, so the weight of the interaction isn't weighing too heavily on friends. They text me at least once a day just saying “hey”. Texting should be used to set up dates. I've literally had a friend text me and said hey. I let her be, and five days later I found out through her friend that she had tonsillitis and had been bedridden for a few days. Dont get me wrong, he is really transparent and I really like this (he was a bit more secretive before this switch) but the daily texts are basically him telling me his schedule without me even asking. When he's nice to me i'm in a good mood all day but his cold tone just makes me want to cry. And that’s the thing, it was too good to be true. At first I would chat with him a bit after I got to work, over text, thinking he just needed someone to talk to. Um… no, sorry but that ship had sailed. And, I definitely don't recommend a Veronica Sawyer-inspired solution to ditching toxic friends. However, she still texts me A LOT. Even then, her husband and/or my wife is included in the text as we are discussing joint dinner plans, a birthday party, etc. but I really just cant help but feel hurt and feel that they don’t like me as much. This thread is archived. He’ll expect me to text him on my commute to work, all throughout my lunch break at work, on my commute home, and for the rest of the evening until I go to bed. My friend from work messages me every single day and I find it exhausting and annoying. My absolute best friends and I will sometimes go days without talking to each other, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care! I have a needy friend too and he was annoying me a lot. I fell asleep, then she texted me 30 minutes later something else lol How can I manage her texting so damn much but to keep her attracted? I kinda liked her at the start, but the fact that she texts me every day is just getting annoying. But at least one other spouse is included in every text. A few hours later, I messaged again, and got left on read. I don’t mind texting, but I want to temper his expectations. One of her friend recently told her that she is childish and not mature and cannot expect people to listen to her all the time complaining. I always have gut feeling that people are not really a friend and are mostly acquaintances or they only talk to me when they want something. I told I was under the impression that she broke up with me over texts during my The one female friend I do text is the wife of our best couple friends. For me personally, when I don't answer it's because I'm too busy and if they can't respect that they are too much for me. One day he had enough and told me I made him feel even lonelier and that he felt I didn’t care about him. I wouldn't have my phone at work so when I get to my car, there would be 20 messages, all short and stupid and every day. He was nice, but no chemistry. Let me tell you sometimes friends that do not reciprocate the energy and love you give can be draining, I have a friend in which I initiate all contact, sometimes i will get left in read until the next day, but if I don’t reply back to them in 15 mins they are like why’s re u ignoring me, they blow me off, ignore me and when we message she’s always only typing a few words, the only time Feb 6, 2018 路 Toxic friends aren't always as obvious as a trio of scrunchie-wearing Heathers. Then just the other night she sent me 37 text messages, the more she drinks the more she texts. I had a friend who did the same thing. Try putting your phone away for maybe an hour at a time and try and do something else you enjoy. Today I found out that she has been texting my husband again to tell him that she has bought the laptop and that we should expect a delivery today (she puts our home address as the I was friends with them for years before that too. Yeah that sucks big time. After several messages from her like this I got a chance to call her. I do want to help him, but the constant negativity is bringing me down. had this habit when my partner and i weren't long distance and also while we are ldr. com I have a group chat with just 3 people in it (including me) and I just really like my friends so much that I enjoy texting often, but it's usually just my texts and they don't talk much. I'm just imagining them receiving a message from their friend saying 'hi' and them throwing their phone at the wall seething. true. I wish I was joking. They texted me constantly and would get upset at me if I didn't respond back to them within 30 minutes. . Newsletter: Don’t fall for this UPS text scam. its happened to me before. She complained about that as I went home, and so I apologize to her politely and at the same time, I said “you text me too much mom馃槄”. Before you get to we are both 23. My ex did this to me too. ”. Unresponsive friends drain you of energy, they cause frustration, and they aren’t capable of offering much of value as a friend. He’ll send a block of texts, which I will respond to with one line, and usually not immediately after he sends it so as to minimize conversation. we have been best friends since we were 16 and used to hand out or at least text each other every single day, but now we are lucky if we see each other every couple months馃槶馃槶 it has honestly started to feel a bit lonely but i try not to bug her too much cuz i know she’s busy :(. And then the next morning at 7am, he texts me good morning. Tbh, they don't sound like too much of a 'friend' if they're gonna be so self-absorbed and never ask about you. When she's eating, she texts me about it. We didn’t flirt or anything when we met. I lost it. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Is a guy friend interested if he texts me every day . I don't do this, but I've had friends that have, and it doesn't bother me at all. Don’t toss them to the side, don’t give up all hope that they might one day became a better person, but do yourself a favor and stop chasing them. I have one friend, who texts me probably five times a day on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook. I know text/DM is not an immediate form of communication but still. If I don't text back she calls, gets upset etc. Me too then, these people seem to not be able to stand their friends. Like, last time he sent me a long text telling me to stop apologizing to him and stuff. it’s extremely annoying when i want to talk to my other friends and she just spams me with non important stuff. but it would be unrealistic to be able to do it perfectly everyday especially if you both have work, school, chores etc. Long story short I softly ghosted him for lack of better words he would text me first always and I hardly engaged in conversation. He thinks I'm being ridiculous. This just pushes me even further from actually being in a relationship with her. She suffers from several mental illnesses that include symptoms of clinginess and fear of abandonment, so it's hard to decide how to handle the situation. I could mention many more friends with who I used or use to text almost everyday. My friend shared this with me. My friend just called me 2 days ago and we talked for probably 3 hours. I enjoy her company when we skate however after we go our separate ways she tends to text and message me way too much. One of my friends made several comments over the week about me talking too much. My social needs are now full and I'm good for another week. It’s really hard not to care, you’re putting yourself out there. TLDR: A friend texts me way too much but I'm not sure if I should talk to him about it. Last week, I got my first job and couldn’t reply back to her for 2,3 hours. But now it’s starting to take a toll on MY mental health because he texts me almost everyday about how he feels and what’s happening around and how he hates it. If you're happy lying. Friend says you should steal his wallet and leave him. Does this guy not understand that I don’t want to talk to him? He still keeps sending me texts even though I’m clearly not answering him. I'm afraid that if i ask about his tone he'll think i'm too paranoid or sensitive. She says she understands her friend may be right but was clearly Especially in the late 20's when you can't see them that often anymore. She even sends me selfies of herself on occasion and I think she is trying to flirt with me. Very good relationship no problem, very likely to die together. i am married and she is not, and we both work so it is really hard to find time to hang out. We literally have an unwritten formula for every text conversation we have it goes “Hey” “hi” “what are you doing” “nothing” “cool” “yeah” “wbu” “nothing” “cool” “yeah”. Telling him to not text and call as often, that it's okay to be alone. It’s always boring/mind numbing stuff like “how was work?” “how are you?” “How did you sleep?” and I usually always have the same answer so it’s not really much of a conversation. Texting is "too much," the amount depends on each friendship & the people involved. I [22F] used to always text my friends as much as possible, reply rapidly and had my phone glued to my hand. I (M14) am not a big texter. He calls her love though and stuff so its kinda weird because she barely texts me throughout the day. Tell them that you feel excluded and isolated. He texts me in the morning, on my lunch break, and as soon as I get off work every day. I like being up to date in their life and hearing about their concerns but this feels like a lot for me. Since we were both Indian, we could relate on so much that I couldn't relate w/ other friends. Im also the one who has to end the conversation every time which is just embarassing. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. She respond with an lol. He did not want to upset me during the week by texting and calling me too much because it would ruin our weekly talk. Towards the end of our friendship she was always the one instigating, so I just decided that the next time she asked to meet up I'd go but I needed to tell her things aren't working within the first 5 minutes. I know she loves me but she is too attached. It’s usually about how his day is going, or photos of his breakfast or garden, or a note saying he’s proud of me. 100%. if he won’t talk about it, he’s not a great friend. When I’m out of town, she double the amount she texts me and I hate it. 11M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. Well now she won't text me at all. I don’t want to make people annoyed and i don’t want to lose my friends. Get this guy gone. i want to talk to my other friends for once, not her. Luckily, you can turn those off in settings. I also cannot read social cues for the life of me, especially over text. Try your best to be kind. Edit: Spelling The morning texts were a bit much for me too. Thank you so much. If he's on the spectrum, being blunt with him is the right thing to do. It’s with EVERYTHING. Instead of saying, “Youre too clingy,” you could say, “I feel overwhelmed when you constantly text me throughout the day. He’d give me a couple of days annual leave . Do I do it? Nope. So it really sucked our friendship ended. Even at times when I didn't think of it at all. I think it’s ok to remain friends with this person. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you… And it's nearly always ALWAYS to our detriment. Two former friends were very emotionally attached to me, to the point where I couldn't even live my own life without them. A month later he texts me saying that he would like to try again. I didn't have a lot of Indians at my middle school. Please stop texting me, it's too much. But they are a bit much. He’s either insecure or bored hence he texts me all the time. Plus they’re a bit of a “dry” texter so it’s a little expected. He has texted me everyday for the past 2 months. The issue I’m having with him is that he texts too much. He keeps texting me, sending me posts on instagram, and interacting with my stuff on facebook until 6am my time. Then around lunch again she texts me asking if I've had lunch and what I want for dinner. Except for pretty much everyone falling out with me because I'm not constantly texting them. Dialing back what you offer him might be a The thing is, I noticed a pattern change since like 3 months ago; he started to text me A LOT MORE. Recently I have not wanted to be always on my phone. Hi reddit world, I'm new. I’m not going to text them again until they text me back as I don’t want to look like I’m desperate for friends. My lady and I used to text each other about this same amount, the majority of those texts being little thoughts or gags or sweet things. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. I just put down my phone for a while and play some video games or get caught up on menial work and the such. I have to talk to her for 1-2 hours straight. We see each 3-4 times a week and we really enjoy the time with each other. But eventually it started getting to be too much and I would take longer to respond, I always told him "no" about the coffee invites. Nov 18, 2015 路 Sepia bride TikTok drama blows up. Dec 26, 2019 路 Let them go. If she texts me first ill see how her day is going and set up the next day to hang out. Yes, he’s a friend, but he’s not giving a lot to this friendship. I tried the whole “not checking your phone,” but the reward was too good when the text would come that it didn’t matter. don’t get me wrong - i enjoy talking with her almost every day but not every fucking time she sees my status go green. I fear that I may not get the conversation flowing or I’ll just make things awkward. And when I say casually talk, I mean they dont really have anything important to talk about, they just want to small talk. She knew when my plane landed so she was texting me how she much she was looking forward to seeing me and so on. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Since I’ve ghosted him (4 days ago), he as sent me 14 MESSAGES. I just now hang around with people like me who are the same. One of my good friends has always had the habit of being a bit too excessive on the whole texting thing, I've put up with it for years but it's starting to get the better of me now. EXCEPT MY BEST FRIEND. This approach allows you to express your feelings without directly blaming or criticizing your So my girlfriend texts this guy 24/7 and she has told me he is like a brother to her. It was awful for me to hear him talk about his new girlfriend, and when I asked him not to he refused because ‘she’s part of his life’. This morning she sent me about 50 and now she's texting me once again I think I get an average of 300 messages from her a day. Luckily, none of my friends text me that long. I make sure I don’t text them too too much, but I feel shitty. At this point I was super hurt. Basically, my friend had been being super distant with me but posting with other friends. ” Now, I don’t blame her for dumping me as a friend over the argument. i may sound like an asshole but i really I decided to ghost my “friend” for 4 days because he would not stop texting me everyday. It's normal for him to be in touch with his friends daily and he's just behaving in what he thinks is a perfectly normal way for friends to behave (maybe others I can't think of) Thankfully, I think in all three cases the best solution is the same: come straight out and tell him that you're not comfortable with how often he's texting you. That’s not a friend who treats you like that, and certainly not a best friend. However, I think you’re giving him too much value in your life. I haven't changed. Report any rule-breaking behavior to the moderators using the report butto Hopefully they’re not ghosting me. Yeah it's a little peeve of mine too. She asked for my number. I ask him why he didn't call me 4 years ago when he said he was going to. Met her(F13) bout 2 weeks ago, Met at a murder mystery, had a fun dynamic. Welcome to r/dating_advice!. Newsletter: Don’t ‘trauma dump’ at the drive-thru. Your friend will be okay, it is not your responsibility to be his only friend, or to constantly entertain him. Hello, I've heard of needy girlfriends and the likes, and my girlfriend doesn't really fit in that category. However, he still texts me the same frequency as we did when we were dating, aka multiple times a day, and often about mundane things in his life or work that I really do not care about or do not have much to add to. He always looked forward to that and it helped. She’s not going to get rid of me because I don’t text often and if she does that’s a stupid That could break their own habit. I want to tell her to stop texting me so much but I’m afraid of any work drama being caused by this. It’s overstimulation. We had a schedule of talking on the phone one night a week. I’ve had it happen in person and also over text/internet. We'd been friends since we were kids but it wasn't lost on me that this started after he had a breakup. I just get kind of self-conscious because they never reach out to text me, it’s only ever me texting them to start a conversation. He hasn’t earned it. My texts and calls with friends feel more important than a quick quip to my bf, and that's why they are harder for me. I've always been clingy. Now, even if he is busy, studying, with friends… he tends to text me a bit to let me know he will tell me everything he did later (which he does). When I text her I get very short responses. Just to mention she rarely meet that specific friend but still she found difficult to cope with her neediness. I’m hurt. Before this, he always waited and just texted me less overall (less frequent). And then during the afternoon sometimes she'll send the name of movies for us to We agreed to continue being friends, as we were best friends before we started dating. Its felt really refreshing not to. She says that she’ll stop, but she still texts me like 3-4 times a day. " I tried to act cool as him standing me up was still vivid in my memory. bpd is something the person who has it, has to want to get it under control, because it CAN go into remission. Each day that we can't meet, she's telling me how much she misses me and it's driving me crazy. Is texting daily too much? Does anyone else have this issue? I recently just moved into my own apartment for the first time, and now I feel like it’s worse. I respond but… He texts me right when he wakes up, around 6pm my time. Recently she's been texting me every two days or sometimes everyday. She finally calls me with a croaky voice, tells me how much she misses me and explains to me how sick she’s been. Regardless, he continues to send 5x the amount of messages that I do. I of course apologized and told him I wasn’t being fair (I also had A LOT of family stuff going on). Somehow in the last 8 months or so, his texts have become at least daily, and very long. Sometimes I would just rather have a phone call than spending time writing long texts on week days. He even gave you a great reason with that last text. Your friend is obviously crossing your bounderies of what youre willing to give to the friendship. It sucks too because he pretty much knows my daily schedule and knows when I “can” answer. Who sends 37 texts over the course of a few hours? I told her that such behavior comes off a bit crazy-like and that shes the only one I know who does this. Best. When one one of her friends says something to her, she texts me I have a friend who openly complained to me about another friend who vented to her. I don't have a very good relationship with my mom. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A non-stop conversation. Nowadays, I dread calling her because once the call starts, it's 5 hours of listening to things I barely care about. There were other reasons I didn't continue with him, but if I were interested I would have mentioned Definitely communicate this to him so you guys can learn eachothers texting habits early on and avoid any hurt/confusion In the past I’ve told my mom that she texts me way too much. I feel like there is so much to unpack with these friends I don't talk to regularly, so the emotion input for me is higher. My friend texts me constantly throughout the day, at least once per hour, updating me about everything that’s happening. I've told him that it bothers me and he tells me I'm just jealous. I live the same experience. Messages are like "how was your day", "are you home" "good night" etc. However, this past week it became too much. But she texts a lot, and I feel like her attraction will ebb lower because of that. I don’t know what to do I know I should probably tell her but I’m afraid of the outcome and I’m not good with confrontation. I hate it. The answer is: Your roommate is the only one who can answer your question. And in the middle of the morning she sens me a text telling me to have a good day and telling me she loves me. My best friend has been sending me dry texts lately and I feel like we aren’t connecting anymore. By no means do they seem like they don’t like me anymore; whenever we text if we have a topic to go off of we can talk for a long time. Him testing the boundaries will pass, I promise. So this friend and I are really really close and we really like each other's company. Conversation continues like that. This isn't all the time but its enough to the point where I am growing incredibly frustrated. I told him that and he wanted to be friends. The most perplexing one was being dumped by a friend of many years after an argument for being “relentlessly negative” and “only reaching out to talk about myself. When I got a job that required more attention, the number of texts sent back and forth slowed considerably because I wasn't responding as much. I’ve never actually thought of it that way so thank you. We've been talking since almost 2 months and almost regularly. Looking back, I gave those people too much power because in my head they were better than me. Since then, he has texted me a couple of times: sending hearts, happy faces, wishing me merry Christmas or happy new year. It really made me change my view of this person, view them as selfish, and ultimately not want to talk to them or be friends with them (the person who didn't want to listen to the other friend's problems). I mean, in an ongoing conversation, they won't contribute much. I get up early for work, like 5-5:30, and if he’s awake, he’ll text me then. I really can't wrap my head around when someone texts me and then I immediately text them back and I don't hear anything. Now, she will not stop blowing up my phone with texts. If you don't feel like they're valuing you, say so. The joy of life is having our expectations met, because it means we’re accepted/loved/worthy (take your pick) issues arise is when someone is served their expectations so much, that the fact that friendship is a two way road is slowly changed into higher and higher expectations in one direction and not the other. I ghosted. I enjoy talking to her at work but I don’t like her texting me all the time every day. Way too much. We friended eachother on Instagram. I finally found the friend that I sought all my life. I asked if I message too much and one of them said yeah a bit, I know it was good of him to be honest but I hated it, you always have those thoughts of "oh I We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I didn't have anyone else to hang around with and I didn't want to look like a loner. 8 comments. i'd say something along the lines of that while you like him, the constant texting is too much for you and its coming across as obsessive. at the end of the day be honest about your needs and feelings and if he cant meet that or understand it then you'd have to think whether or not he's worth that kind of hassle I once met someone from a dating app. My best friend understands me mostly, but everyone else basically says I text too much. My mom used to send me 50-100 texts a day, call me multiple times a day and if I didn’t answer would call my home phone and husband multiple times a day. I actually appreciate my friend and like spending time with him but sometimes he sends so many texts to the point I get a bit overwhelmed and end up taking days to respond. Now to the actual problem. 14 votes, 15 comments. Maybe one or two texts a day 4 or 5 hours apart. just other things that might keep you busy that you could end up falling sleep because you're too tired or Also, he would frequently text me how much he cared about me, sometimes would say how he would marry me one day or how we should go get married now (this he also has said in person on multiple occasions), and just generally seemed engaging and definitely showing interest. hi, me as my girlfriends SO, LOVE IT when she texts me, take my advice, I'm a guy, we love being texted by our girlfriends, we say we don't but we really do, I'm always excited to get a text from mt girl, hell i spend days with her on the phone, don't be scared to devote all your time to him, i know he would want the same with you (: Her mom liked me when she first me too. I’ll end the conversation with “gotta go and get back to work now, nice chatting!” We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Either people don't messege me at all, answer very distant, ignore my text, or you got the one that texts too damn much. You are right, I felt he was a bit like you described, like he just wants to do too much, and ends up promising too much and end up falling short. She said goodnight. Ugh i hate this. Messages. Realized this with many of my friends after too long. but it takes time, effort, and a lot of self awareness, and that can come with cognitive behavioral therapy, and aid from a professional therapist or However, she rarely texts me throughout the day. This has happened multiple times where I wasted entire days stuck in this mental rut towards creating a genuine response. And when I ignore her, she’ll still keep texting me. That made me realize that I shouldn’t be. It's always me who initiates the conversation, except for an occasion or two. The past few weeks though it's been almost nothing from him. Lately, this person has been super busy and hasn't been responding with any enthusiasm. TL;DR: Friends that are kind of toxic and have a lot of work on the inside to do. I tried something different with her and texted her a pic of a pillow with a quote from one of her favorite movies and told her she needed one. I definitely don't want to ruin our friendship with this couple and I don't want him to come back and say i can't text my group of friends, but i don't call and text my guy friends individually, it's always the group. The thing is, she loves I love my friends deeply and dearly, but we all have so much going on in our lives that maintaining friendships on the daily outside of a text or two is 100% not sustainable. There's no straight answer, I'm If she calls too much, tell her you prefer text messages. For my friends, and these are old, deep friendships, there is more pressure, and ambiguous deadlines. But this situation is the reason I get nervous bc I have a long distance friendship with a friend of mine and I often find myself send the most texts and she’s fine with it and hasn’t said anything but sometimes I wonder if she gets annoyed We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Send a messaage "Hey, that last text was too much. Believe me, I know it sucks, but if they were your friends they'd care enough about your feelings to start treating you differently. She is loving, supporting, really tries to make me happy and let's me do what I want for hobbies and friends. I didn't mind it at first since I barely knew her, but now it makes getting to know her more slightly difficult when she hardly texts. He also will keep texting if I tell him that I am doing something that obviously is keeping me busy, and I just tell him that I will text him later. I kinda feel I'm the one carrying it. Married couple, not in the same country as husband has a unique job overseas. Oct 8, 2023 路 When addressing your friends clinginess, try using “I” statements to express how their behavior is affecting you. This made me realize that maybe I really am too dependent on them. That was already too much effort. It’s overwhelming to me the amount of texts at once. He texts me pretty much every day but sometimes if too much, I tell him. Newsletter: Exposing what McDonald’s ‘won’t tell Now, even if he is busy, studying, with friends… he tends to text me a bit to let me know he will tell me everything he did later (which he does). She texts me every day if I'm free, which is a not so subtle way of asking me whether she can call me. Sep 6, 2018 路 I had a friend who would constantly text me, and in a matter I especially hate (really short texts but a lot of them). Painful but I’m gonna have to deal with it See full list on wikihow. Sometimes it’s too much. He told me it was because he was not at a good stage in his life, struggling on many aspects and he was scared he would blew it with me He admitted being too busy and he mentioned he hoped we could remain in touch cause he really likes me and was very attracted to me. I’m gonna try to be okay by myself from now on. But it feels like if I never initiate a text, he or she is forever gone. We have texts, phone calls, emails and live in-person communication. Just be upfront and tell them that their call volume is too much for you to be able to manage. I can't go even an hour without her sending me a flood of text messages. Do that. Thank you. The worst texts? Group. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here. What are you doing tonight and I tell them when I'm doing and ask them if they are doing anything and I don't hear. Posted by u/hurrdurrthrowaway719 - No votes and 3 comments The hard part is that we all have expectations. Hi! I 27F recently made friends with a guy 40M whom I met once in person at a party through mutual friends. She told her friend that I’d been whining about being depressed. I could spend 5 days per week by myself for the most part, just having chill dinnertime conversations with my family and hanging out with my sister and peripheral friends for maybe 2 hours, and be perfectly happy. and ask him if he could please tone it down. Depression is a disease. wvdpx ohmkzf rauxl vuhrup kblnz egpbv klppx yromo snfrgzj vmoj